Dr. Michelle Brannick



I am a licensed Naturopathic Physician (WI), and Chiropractic Physician (IL) specializing in natural primary care family medicine. I have over 20-years of experience in seeing men, women and children including newborns for a variety of issues. I enjoy introducing new parents to natural medicine and providing them with the support to raise a child naturally.


My experience is broad and begins with my own health and family. I was sickly until the age of 35, when I discovered naturopathic medicine, and it changed my life. My children were raised completely naturopathic, raised on clean, healthy, non-processed foods, no vaccines, and never had an antibiotic. We even healed a collapsed lung with naturopathic medicine.


I am passionate about the power of natural medicine, and it has never disappointed me. It is a science and an art. Knowing how to treat the cause takes a thorough interview and physical exam, laboratory testing and then putting the elements together to treat the cause. If patients are compliant, results are quick. My biggest obstacle to helping people is the people themselves. Many are not discerning of what they put into their body, whether it be junk or processed foods, prescription drugs, injections, vaccines, dead processed water, stimulants, inhalants, and negative thoughts. People are easily persuaded by Internet advertising. Even vacation seems to be a time to sabotage health. Not me, when on vacation, I spend the time to work on my health not throw away everything I worked for! The body is a gift and should be honored and treated like it is a fine piece of art. Everything we put into our body should be to support all of its amazing functions. We need to be discerning about what we do to the avatar that we are currently occupying.


We also need to define health. Health is not the lack of symptoms, rather it is the ability to fully live life with vitality and full mental functioning. Suppression, which is most of medicine today, gradually weakens the body and leads to increased medication. Proper health care strengthens the body and you come out of an illness stronger than you went into it. Today, rarely does anyone come out of an illness stronger—many people never regain their health. That is because they are suppressing their symptoms rather than supporting the body to do its job. The body knows how to heal if given the right environment— just like it can heal a cut or a child who falls and scrapes their knee.


Conventional medicine is designed to treat symptoms which suppress the immune system, and all medications have side effects. None of that is healthy and creates a perpetual patient. A side effect of a medication shows up 6-months later and you call it a new disease instead of calling it a toxic side effect of the drugs you are on. This is not my approach. I use my education and experience to determine what is going on, treat the cause and educate patients on a healthy lifestyle so they can fully live life.



I have professional interests in women’s health and treat hormonal imbalances, cervical dysplasia, HPV, and perform PAPs. I feel a kinder gentler approach to women’s health is needed. I like the idea of supporting women through menopause instead of giving them hormones to make their body think they are still 30 years old. Aging gracefully is a safer approach and decreases the risk of breast cancer.


Personal Background

I grew up in Kenosha Wisconsin and left at 18-years of age to attend UW-Lacrosse. I graduated with a major in mathematics and a minor in physics, with an emphasis in statistics. I moved to the state of Maryland and worked in a credit union, then for an insurance company underwriting national accounts. I always wanted to become a doctor, but life did not present that opportunity until I was 32-years old. I found Bastyr University and moved to Washington state to complete my ND degree for 5-years then moved back to Chicagoland. I then attended National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) in Lombard, Illinois to obtain my chiropractic degree and have been practicing natural medicine ever since.


I live the life I preach. I eat healthy foods, cook for myself and my family, take no prescription medications, work out regularly even when I don’t feel like it, live in gratitude and treat the body as a gift. I healed myself from many ailments even when I was told I needed surgery. I live with energy and have the power to focus on your health! I enjoy meeting new patients and figuring out the best course of action to restore health. I also enjoy teaching natural medicine to new doctors. Our clinics have served as a preceptor and residency site for many different practitioners where we have educated and trained other medical professionals in natural medicine.


Training & Credentials

  • University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse; Bachelor of Science
  • Baltimore School of Massage; 500-hour massage therapy program
  • Bastyr University Washington State; Naturopathic Physician Doctorate
  • National University of Health Science in Lombard IL; Chiropractic Physician


I have additional extensive training in homeopathy and have taken required continuing education classes in both internal and physical medicine. I am versed in the use of Piezowave (compressed sound wave therapy) to help with pain and injuries. Early in my education I trained with a midwife who was also a naturopathic physician (ND) who taught me escharotic treatment for cervical dysplasia and HPV. I have authored many articles for a monthly newsletter and co-authored a book “Miserably Happy,” discussing the results of taking responsibility for one’s life and health to have a happy existence.


See Me For

Restoring your health, PAPS, dysplasia, HPV, chronic and acute illnesses.


Locations I will See Patients

  • St. Charles
  • Lagrange Park



Dr. Michelle Brannick ND, DC | Brannick Clinic of Natural Medicine

Dr. Michelle Brannick ND, DC


I am a licensed Naturopathic Physician (WI), and Chiropractic Physician (IL) specializing in natural primary care family medicine. I have over 20-years of experience in seeing men, women and children including newborns for a variety of issues. I enjoy introducing new parents to natural medicine and providing them with the support to raise a child naturally.


My experience is broad and begins with my own health and family. I was sickly until the age of 35, when I discovered naturopathic medicine, and it changed my life. My children were raised completely naturopathic, raised on clean, healthy, non-processed foods, no vaccines, and never had an antibiotic. We even healed a collapsed lung with naturopathic medicine.


I am passionate about the power of natural medicine, and it has never disappointed me. It is a science and an art. Knowing how to treat the cause takes a thorough interview and physical exam, laboratory testing and then putting the elements together to treat the cause. If patients are compliant, results are quick. My biggest obstacle to helping people is the people themselves. Many are not discerning of what they put into their body, whether it be junk or processed foods, prescription drugs, injections, vaccines, dead processed water, stimulants, inhalants, and negative thoughts. People are easily persuaded by Internet advertising. Even vacation seems to be a time to sabotage health. Not me, when on vacation, I spend the time to work on my health not throw away everything I worked for! The body is a gift and should be honored and treated like it is a fine piece of art. Everything we put into our body should be to support all of its amazing functions. We need to be discerning about what we do to the avatar that we are currently occupying.


We also need to define health. Health is not the lack of symptoms, rather it is the ability to fully live life with vitality and full mental functioning. Suppression, which is most of medicine today, gradually weakens the body and leads to increased medication. Proper health care strengthens the body and you come out of an illness stronger than you went into it. Today, rarely does anyone come out of an illness stronger—many people never regain their health. That is because they are suppressing their symptoms rather than supporting the body to do its job. The body knows how to heal if given the right environment— just like it can heal a cut or a child who falls and scrapes their knee.


Conventional medicine is designed to treat symptoms which suppress the immune system, and all medications have side effects. None of that is healthy and creates a perpetual patient. A side effect of a medication shows up 6-months later and you call it a new disease instead of calling it a toxic side effect of the drugs you are on. This is not my approach. I use my education and experience to determine what is going on, treat the cause and educate patients on a healthy lifestyle so they can fully live life.



I have professional interests in women’s health and treat hormonal imbalances, cervical dysplasia, HPV, and perform PAPs. I feel a kinder gentler approach to women’s health is needed. I like the idea of supporting women through menopause instead of giving them hormones to make their body think they are still 30 years old. Aging gracefully is a safer approach and decreases the risk of breast cancer.


Personal Background

I grew up in Kenosha Wisconsin and left at 18-years of age to attend UW-Lacrosse. I graduated with a major in mathematics and a minor in physics, with an emphasis in statistics. I moved to the state of Maryland and worked in a credit union, then for an insurance company underwriting national accounts. I always wanted to become a doctor, but life did not present that opportunity until I was 32-years old. I found Bastyr University and moved to Washington state to complete my ND degree for 5-years then moved back to Chicagoland. I then attended National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) in Lombard, Illinois to obtain my chiropractic degree and have been practicing natural medicine ever since.


I live the life I preach. I eat healthy foods, cook for myself and my family, take no prescription medications, work out regularly even when I don’t feel like it, live in gratitude and treat the body as a gift. I healed myself from many ailments even when I was told I needed surgery. I live with energy and have the power to focus on your health! I enjoy meeting new patients and figuring out the best course of action to restore health. I also enjoy teaching natural medicine to new doctors. Our clinics have served as a preceptor and residency site for many different practitioners where we have educated and trained other medical professionals in natural medicine.


Training & Credentials

  • University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse; Bachelor of Science
  • Baltimore School of Massage; 500-hour massage therapy program
  • Bastyr University Washington State; Naturopathic Physician Doctorate
  • National University of Health Science in Lombard IL; Chiropractic Physician


I have additional extensive training in homeopathy and have taken required continuing education classes in both internal and physical medicine. I am versed in the use of Piezowave (compressed sound wave therapy) to help with pain and injuries. Early in my education I trained with a midwife who was also a naturopathic physician (ND) who taught me escharotic treatment for cervical dysplasia and HPV. I have authored many articles for a monthly newsletter and co-authored a book “Miserably Happy,” discussing the results of taking responsibility for one’s life and health to have a happy existence.


See Me For

Restoring your health, PAPS, dysplasia, HPV, chronic and acute illnesses.


Locations I will See Patients

  • St. Charles
  • Lagrange Park