
Parasites | Brannick Clinic of Natural MedicineEveryone is talking about parasites lately. We all have parasites. A parasite is an organism that lives off of a host (our body) for nutrients. A healthy body keeps the parasites in check where there are no symptoms. The problem is when the body is run down and out of balance, the body can no longer keep the parasites at bay they begin to overwhelm the body. Parasites come from many different sources such as food, water, pets, touching things, blood transfusion, sex, and bug bites. Parasites are fleas, worms, mites, leeches, etc. A healthy body can usually eliminate or mitigate exposure to a parasite. However, today many people have weak immune systems due to medications and poor nutrition to ward off a parasite. We are constantly working with patients to improve diet and lifestyle for a healthy vibrant immune system.


There are many nonspecific symptoms of a parasite infection and can be difficult to diagnose. Most parasites live in the digestive system but can be anywhere in the body. Testing can include a fecal or stool test and may need to be done several times. Endoscopy or colonoscopy may be helpful also. Blood labs tests are not specific but helpful in the diagnosis.


Symptoms include and not limited to abdominal pain, loose, watery stool, gas, bloating, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, blood or mucus in stool, rash, chemical sensitivity, moody, weight loss, rectal itch especially at night and many more.


We treat parasite infections from many different angles. We have a 15-day comprehensive detox program (see our website for details) which includes colonics (gentle irrigation of the large intestine). We also use a prescription herbal parasite cleanse called “Purge the Spirit.” This herbal treatment along with colonics is specific to GI parasites where most parasites live.


The herbal treatment is 2-3 months. We recommend at least 3 colonic treatments during this time to eliminate eggs that hatch in cycles. Of course, diet is also important with high fiber, low sugar, and high nutrition (fast food is not nutritious!)


A proper detox of any kind with a doctor’s supervision helps to prevent severe side effects and increase effectiveness. Please contact our office if you would like our help in detoxification and or parasite control.


Parasites | Brannick Clinic of Natural Medicine


Everyone is talking about parasites lately. We all have parasites. A parasite is an organism that lives off of a host (our body) for nutrients. A healthy body keeps the parasites in check where there are no symptoms. The problem is when the body is run down and out of balance, the body can no longer keep the parasites at bay they begin to overwhelm the body. Parasites come from many different sources such as food, water, pets, touching things, blood transfusion, sex, and bug bites. Parasites are fleas, worms, mites, leeches, etc. A healthy body can usually eliminate or mitigate exposure to a parasite. However, today many people have weak immune systems due to medications and poor nutrition to ward off a parasite. We are constantly working with patients to improve diet and lifestyle for a healthy vibrant immune system.


There are many nonspecific symptoms of a parasite infection and can be difficult to diagnose. Most parasites live in the digestive system but can be anywhere in the body. Testing can include a fecal or stool test and may need to be done several times. Endoscopy or colonoscopy may be helpful also. Blood labs tests are not specific but helpful in the diagnosis.


Symptoms include and not limited to abdominal pain, loose, watery stool, gas, bloating, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, blood or mucus in stool, rash, chemical sensitivity, moody, weight loss, rectal itch especially at night and many more.


We treat parasite infections from many different angles. We have a 15-day comprehensive detox program (see our website for details) which includes colonics (gentle irrigation of the large intestine). We also use a prescription herbal parasite cleanse called “Purge the Spirit.” This herbal treatment along with colonics is specific to GI parasites where most parasites live.


The herbal treatment is 2-3 months. We recommend at least 3 colonic treatments during this time to eliminate eggs that hatch in cycles. Of course, diet is also important with high fiber, low sugar, and high nutrition (fast food is not nutritious!)


A proper detox of any kind with a doctor’s supervision helps to prevent severe side effects and increase effectiveness. Please contact our office if you would like our help in detoxification and or parasite control.