Colon Cancer Increase Among Those Under Age 50

Colon cancer is on the rise in people under the age of 50 and is the leading cause of cancer deaths under the age of 50. Colon cancer risk is 1 in 23 for men and 1 in 25 for women of all ages. (see CDC and American Cancer Society for statistics).


What is the cause of this? Poor diet and lack of exercise. The American diet had gone from bad to worse. Multiple types of fad diets have been promoted and fast food is consumed by most people today. Diet is a touchy subject. People want to rationalize their bad behaviors and additions even when given evidence of their demise. So, it is no surprise that colon cancer among the younger generation is increasing.


I expect colon cancer to get even worse with the fad carnivore diet of red meat, pork, and dairy with the elimination of veggies and fruits. All this protein is so hard to digest, not to mention the inflammatory response of dairy. Dairy is the most inflammatory food we eat, and it does not matter if it is organic or raw. It is an exceptionally large protein that we as humans cannot break down due to the lack of enzymes we secrete. Dairy comes from cows. Baby cows have 4 sections of their stomach to digest their mother’s milk and secrete different enzymes than humans—we only have one stomach. So, the ability to digest, which is the breaking down of foods into molecules to be able to absorb nutrients is the important thing. Humans cannot properly digest dairy so larger proteins travel through the digestive tract unable to be absorbed, irritating the gut lining causing inflammation. Inflammation is related to cancer! Whenever there is irritation and inflammation cells become abnormal and can create tumors.


This high protein diet is good for some but not for others. Protein is hard to digest to begin with and it slows down digestion and causes fermentation in the large Intestine and puts much strain on the kidneys. Whenever food sits in the colon, it is a chance to grow a tumor. Getting off the fast-food track will improve your health alone but a lack of fruit and vegetables that contain minerals (less with the over processed foods today) and fiber, is not a good idea. Also, this high protein diet is high in BAD fats or saturated fats and low in the GOOD fats. Cholesterol blood tests can show this.


Several ways to promote good colon health is to avoid antibiotics, consume a high fiber diet with fruits and veggies, keep colon clean with colonics.


Antibiotics kill off the friendly bacteria leaving the colon susceptible to infections and purification of foods that are no longer digested well. It takes years to restore the flora after a round of antibiotics. Many people are on antibiotics several times a year for dental work! I would run from a dentist who prescribes antibiotics. I personally have not taken an antibiotic in 30 years or more. I try to protect my flora! If you get an infection from a dental procedure, there are better options like supplements and hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Dentistry, which I will address in a separate newsletter is a common cause of poor long term health. You need to be very picky on whom you trust to work on your mouth; seek a natural dentist who does not push antibiotics and unnecessary invasive treatments.

I have changed my stance on the need for colonics. I used to think it was only needed for those with GI problems. Now, I believe with the deterioration of the diet due to fast food and the carnivore diet, everyone should have a series of 3 colonics per year to fully clean out the walls of the intestines from sludge that is not being moved out with a low fiber diet (1 treatment a week for 3 weeks minimally).


Unfortunately staying healthy has become a challenge. Our food system is under attack by chemicals such as glycophosphates. The need for food to be readily available 24-hours a day means consuming processed and fast foods. We should rethink this and put energy into cooking wholesome meals and not eating all the time. This would surely change the obesity epidemic and colon health.


See our website for information on colonics and our detox program.

Colon Cancer Increase Among Those Under Age 50 - Brannick Clinic

Colon Cancer Increase Among Those Under Age 50

Colon cancer is on the rise in people under the age of 50 and is the leading cause of cancer deaths under the age of 50. Colon cancer risk is 1 in 23 for men and 1 in 25 for women of all ages. (see CDC and American Cancer Society for statistics).


What is the cause of this? Poor diet and lack of exercise. The American diet had gone from bad to worse. Multiple types of fad diets have been promoted and fast food is consumed by most people today. Diet is a touchy subject. People want to rationalize their bad behaviors and additions even when given evidence of their demise. So, it is no surprise that colon cancer among the younger generation is increasing.


I expect colon cancer to get even worse with the fad carnivore diet of red meat, pork, and dairy with the elimination of veggies and fruits. All this protein is so hard to digest, not to mention the inflammatory response of dairy. Dairy is the most inflammatory food we eat, and it does not matter if it is organic or raw. It is an exceptionally large protein that we as humans cannot break down due to the lack of enzymes we secrete. Dairy comes from cows. Baby cows have 4 sections of their stomach to digest their mother’s milk and secrete different enzymes than humans—we only have one stomach. So, the ability to digest, which is the breaking down of foods into molecules to be able to absorb nutrients is the important thing. Humans cannot properly digest dairy so larger proteins travel through the digestive tract unable to be absorbed, irritating the gut lining causing inflammation. Inflammation is related to cancer! Whenever there is irritation and inflammation cells become abnormal and can create tumors.


This high protein diet is good for some but not for others. Protein is hard to digest to begin with and it slows down digestion and causes fermentation in the large Intestine and puts much strain on the kidneys. Whenever food sits in the colon, it is a chance to grow a tumor. Getting off the fast-food track will improve your health alone but a lack of fruit and vegetables that contain minerals (less with the over processed foods today) and fiber, is not a good idea. Also, this high protein diet is high in BAD fats or saturated fats and low in the GOOD fats. Cholesterol blood tests can show this.


Several ways to promote good colon health is to avoid antibiotics, consume a high fiber diet with fruits and veggies, keep colon clean with colonics.


Antibiotics kill off the friendly bacteria leaving the colon susceptible to infections and purification of foods that are no longer digested well. It takes years to restore the flora after a round of antibiotics. Many people are on antibiotics several times a year for dental work! I would run from a dentist who prescribes antibiotics. I personally have not taken an antibiotic in 30 years or more. I try to protect my flora! If you get an infection from a dental procedure, there are better options like supplements and hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Dentistry, which I will address in a separate newsletter is a common cause of poor long term health. You need to be very picky on whom you trust to work on your mouth; seek a natural dentist who does not push antibiotics and unnecessary invasive treatments.

I have changed my stance on the need for colonics. I used to think it was only needed for those with GI problems. Now, I believe with the deterioration of the diet due to fast food and the carnivore diet, everyone should have a series of 3 colonics per year to fully clean out the walls of the intestines from sludge that is not being moved out with a low fiber diet (1 treatment a week for 3 weeks minimally).


Unfortunately staying healthy has become a challenge. Our food system is under attack by chemicals such as glycophosphates. The need for food to be readily available 24-hours a day means consuming processed and fast foods. We should rethink this and put energy into cooking wholesome meals and not eating all the time. This would surely change the obesity epidemic and colon health.


See our website for information on colonics and our detox program.