HPV, Cervical Dysplasia and Escharotics

This article addresses the treatment of human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical dysplasia, utilizing natural medicine.


Human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV)
HPV is a common, sexually transmitted virus. There are several types of HPV, some of which may cause health issues like genital warts or cancer. HPV is usually transmitted through sex by someone who already has the virus. It is possible to have the virus and show no signs of the infection. HPV can cause cancers which develop years after exposure to the virus. There is no way of knowing if a person with an HPV infection will develop cancer. An otherwise healthy person with a strong immune system is less likely to be affected by HPV.


Cervical Dysplasia
Cervical dysplasia is an abnormal growth of precancerous cells on the surface lining of the cervix. This is usually detected with a Pap test. The cervical dysplasia can range from mild to severe, graded as CIN I, II, or III. CIN 1 is usually self-limiting and resolved within a year with no treatment. However, if persistent it can develop into more severe dysplasia. Cervical dysplasia is strongly associated with HPV and is most common under age 30 but can occur at any age. Smokers are twice as likely to develop severe cervical dysplasia because it compromises the immune system. Conventional treatments include cryosurgery (freezing), electrocauterization (LEEP), and laser surgery which can compromise the cervix resulting in miscarriages, preterm delivery, scarring of the cervix and decreased libido.


The escharotic treatment is a natural solution to help your body rid itself of HPV and heal from cervical dysplasia. It involves the use of a topical herbal combination applied directly to the cervix. This treatment is repeated weekly for an average of 12 weeks—until the cervix has returned to a normal, healthy appearance. Postmenopausal women usually take longer to heal. Treatments take 2-3 months (skipping the week of your menstrual cycle). Photos are taken before and after each treatment to show the patient their progress. Images are released to patients if desired. We wait 6-weeks after the last escharotic treatments and repeat a pap smear with HPV testing. Most of our patient’s clear HPV and cervical dysplasia with only one round of escharotic treatments.


In addition to the topical solution, we will create an individualized treatment plan to address immune support and any other current health concern. Oral supplementation is just as important as the escharotic treatment. Our recommendations may include diet, lifestyle, and herbal medicine to support your health during treatment. We particularly emphasize drinking lots of water and getting good, deep sleep. Stress is hard on the immune system, so try not to ruminate. Your body can heal from this. Everybody gets exposed to HPV and your body has a tremendous ability to heal.


The topical herbal preparation consists of turmeric (Curcuma longa), zinc chloride and bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis). These three components help your immune system and deal with the virus. The herbs also help shed abnormal tissue without harming healthy cervical cells. Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory and has anti-cancer properties. The solution is only applied for a few minutes, so it does not damage normal tissue. Each week we review the images with the patient and answer any questions about how treatment is progressing. Natural doctors have used the escharotic for decades to help women resolve their HPV and cervical dysplasia permanently.


Above are before (left) and after (right) images from a patient with HPV and CIN3 (severe dysplasia). After 12-treatments, her pap came back negative for both HPV and dysplasia. The solution stains the cervix yellow, and the abnormal tissue further stands out as white.


HPV, Cervical Dysplasia and Escharotics | Brannick Clinic of Natural Medicine

HPV, Cervical Dysplasia and Escharotics


This article addresses the treatment of human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical dysplasia, utilizing natural medicine.


Human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV)
HPV is a common, sexually transmitted virus. There are several types of HPV, some of which may cause health issues like genital warts or cancer. HPV is usually transmitted through sex by someone who already has the virus. It is possible to have the virus and show no signs of the infection. HPV can cause cancers which develop years after exposure to the virus. There is no way of knowing if a person with an HPV infection will develop cancer. An otherwise healthy person with a strong immune system is less likely to be affected by HPV.


Cervical Dysplasia
Cervical dysplasia is an abnormal growth of precancerous cells on the surface lining of the cervix. This is usually detected with a Pap test. The cervical dysplasia can range from mild to severe, graded as CIN I, II, or III. CIN 1 is usually self-limiting and resolved within a year with no treatment. However, if persistent it can develop into more severe dysplasia. Cervical dysplasia is strongly associated with HPV and is most common under age 30 but can occur at any age. Smokers are twice as likely to develop severe cervical dysplasia because it compromises the immune system. Conventional treatments include cryosurgery (freezing), electrocauterization (LEEP), and laser surgery which can compromise the cervix resulting in miscarriages, preterm delivery, scarring of the cervix and decreased libido.


The escharotic treatment is a natural solution to help your body rid itself of HPV and heal from cervical dysplasia. It involves the use of a topical herbal combination applied directly to the cervix. This treatment is repeated weekly for an average of 12 weeks—until the cervix has returned to a normal, healthy appearance. Postmenopausal women usually take longer to heal. Treatments take 2-3 months (skipping the week of your menstrual cycle). Photos are taken before and after each treatment to show the patient their progress. Images are released to patients if desired. We wait 6-weeks after the last escharotic treatments and repeat a pap smear with HPV testing. Most of our patient’s clear HPV and cervical dysplasia with only one round of escharotic treatments.


In addition to the topical solution, we will create an individualized treatment plan to address immune support and any other current health concern. Oral supplementation is just as important as the escharotic treatment. Our recommendations may include diet, lifestyle, and herbal medicine to support your health during treatment. We particularly emphasize drinking lots of water and getting good, deep sleep. Stress is hard on the immune system, so try not to ruminate. Your body can heal from this. Everybody gets exposed to HPV and your body has a tremendous ability to heal.


The topical herbal preparation consists of turmeric (Curcuma longa), zinc chloride and bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis). These three components help your immune system and deal with the virus. The herbs also help shed abnormal tissue without harming healthy cervical cells. Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory and has anti-cancer properties. The solution is only applied for a few minutes, so it does not damage normal tissue. Each week we review the images with the patient and answer any questions about how treatment is progressing. Natural doctors have used the escharotic for decades to help women resolve their HPV and cervical dysplasia permanently.


Above are before (left) and after (right) images from a patient with HPV and CIN3 (severe dysplasia). After 12-treatments, her pap came back negative for both HPV and dysplasia. The solution stains the cervix yellow, and the abnormal tissue further stands out as white.